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21 Charm Triggers To Use Right Now

21 Charm Triggers To Use Right Now

Charisma is like a magic ingredient that makes people want to pay more attention to you. If you've ever been ignored, you know from that unpleasant experience that not everyone is trained in charisma. I learned charisma from my grandmother, who, even at age 95, is never without a gentleman caller. She has enjoyed quite the collection of marriage proposals and an enviable social life through the years!


People considered charismatic almost always enjoy more economic and romantic success. Charisma is tricky because it makes you a more compelling communicator, not necessarily a person of integrity, or even competent. Broken down, charisma is made up of presence, warmth and power.


You may have grown up with that powerful charm called charisma. (If so, stop reading now.) The good news is that anyone can become more charismatic (I've done it myself and helped clients do so!) with a few changes in how you think and present yourself.

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Avoid the #1 Mistake in Presentations

Avoid the #1 Mistake in Presentations

For some of you, school is already underway again; here it starts one week from today. Somehow, the return to classes cranks a lot of other activities into motion. I think that's why I'm getting more requests for help with presentations these days. Ironically, the explosion in communication channels only makes the formal, face-to-face communication event even more critical than it was. There's more pressure to get the message across and connect during that half-hour presentation or interview.

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